Sunday, January 17, 2010

A few thoughts on Mongolia

Last night I had a dream about Mongolia for no discernible reason.  I can't remember the last time I thought about Mongolia, and it's probably been years since I saw the movie Genghis Khan.  Anyways, in this dream I visited the Mongolian countryside and stayed in a yurt.  It was very cold and I had to buy some gloves from a guy on a horse.  I also visited the capital, Ulaanbaatar, which was nice.  I took lots of pictures in both places.

 In commemoration of this event, I have done some research ("done some research" = consulted Wikipedia) on Mongolia.  Here are some interesting bullet points!
  • Mongolia has a population of 2 million people and 20 million goats (10 goats per person!)
  • Ulaanbaatar not only has the highest number of A's in its name (5!) for any world capital (probably!), but it is also the coldest capital in the world, with temperatures regularly reaching -40 degrees Fahrenheit!
  • Mongolians are famous for their throat-singing, which sounds craaaaazy!
  • And there was this American kid whose autism was cured when he went to Mongolia and hung out with some shamans and their horses!