Wednesday, June 2, 2010

SKINS IS BACK (on my internet)!!!

I was thinking about Skins recently, as one does, and about how long it has been since there was any new Skins on my TV.  It's been a long time! I said to myself.  Has BBC America finally managed to clear a spot for Skins in its packed schedule of Gordon Ramsay's Food-Related Temper Tantrums and Gordon Ramsay Yells Loudly! In the Kitchen repeats? I wondered, with a faint glimmer of hope in my eyes.  Doubtful, I admitted.  Their weekly hour of original programming is currently being used by Doctor Who.  I paused to think about how great the current season of Doctor Who was, and how I had thoroughly enjoyed all of the episodes so far, even if the fish-people-from-outer-space-posing-as-vampires-in-Venice episode was a little hokey.  Musn't grumble, I added, sagely.  Although . . .  I said, anticipation brewing in my belly, perhaps the new season of Skins is on THE INTERNET

LONG STORY SHORT: It is, and I am recapping it.  So, um, WATCH OUT for that.