Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is Lost great or what!

This season has been really quality so far, don't you agree?  What an excellent show!  My brain is too lazy to THEORIZE now, so here are some of my general THOUGHTS on the last couple episodes:
  • I'm liking the alterna-timeline stuff.  What a great idea that was, writers of Lost!  I like how the differences between the two realities were quite subtle at first (the flight attendant gives Jack two bottles of vodka instead of one) but are getting progressively wackier (Locke's dad apparently didn't steal his kidney and shove him out of an eight-story window, and Jack has a teenage son who is just as sullen and irritable as his father whaaaaaaaaaaaaat) as time goes on.  
  • I'm also loving all the Season 1-Season 6 mirror stuff.  Very Harry Potter.
  • I'm fine with how people who knew each other on the island pre-Incident keep bumping into other island folks, cause that sort of thing happens all the time no duh, but what was up with Dogen being in the alterna-timeline?  I'm not sure why but that just doesn't make any sort of sense, even by Lost standards!
  • It's nice to have Claire back, but does she really have to be a crazy axe-murderer?  I don't want Jin to die.  Kate, sure, but not Jin.
  • What about Widmore?  Why hasn't he been mentioned AT ALL in the past, oh, 15-20 episodes??  Is he the guy Jacob says is coming to the island???  Should I even care????
  • Miles has had, like, TWO LINES this season.  Not cool, writers of Lost.
And here are some non-plot-related Lost things:
  • I didn't know this until surprisingly recently, but Jack's tears have a NAME (jears!), a Facebook page, and a neat video.
  • Geronimo Jack's Beard is the best portmanteau I have ever heard, and it is also a pretty cool podcast that Jorge Garcia does.  Jorge Garcia, the guy who plays Hurley!  It's basically just Jorge Garcia (who, by the way, has been killing it lately) and his lady friend chatting about the mysteries of Lost, as people on a Lost podcast are wont to do, but WITH A TWIST because he's actually on the show and he reads the scripts and stuff. 
  • I'm kind of glad Michael is no longer on the show, to be honest.
  • This is old, but the Lost art show is still great.
  • And also, this Lost subway map.

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