Saturday, December 11, 2010

A list of all the awesome things I saw during my trip to southern Chile but failed to take pictures of because my camera broke

In Valdivia: 

(I actually took one picture here before my camera stopped working.  Look!  Some guys from the culinary school there were making a very, very long cake of some sort (maybe a strudel?) for the Teletón.)
  • 5-7 humongous SEA LIONS (or lobos marinos, as they are known there.  Marine wolves!  LOLOL!) trying to steal fish from the fish market, which was right next to the river.  Instead of a picture, here's a video of a sea lion waddling ferociously down a street in Valdivia, which is in many ways WAY BETTER than any pictures would have been.
  • Homero's Sandwich Shop - just a normal sandwich shop, but with like a hundred pictures strewn about of Homero Simpson eating really big sandwiches
  • Communist graffiti slamming "el sistema de educacación" en Chile
  • chocolate gnome shop - a store that sold NOTHING BUT CHOCOLATE GNOMES
  • lots of beautiful and unbelievably picturesque bits of nature, including snow-capped mountains and lush green valleys and trees (oh so many trees!) and so many rivers and also the ocean!!!
  • two CASTLES overlooking the place where the rivers meet the ocean (well, technically they were forts but everyone calls them "castillos," so.)
  • I also caught a quick glimpse of an intense game of metalhead fútbol while on the bus near Valdivia.  Picture in your mind's eye a group of 15-20 metalheads, all with long metalhead hair and Megadeath/Metallica shirts and all sorts of heavy chains and spiky jewelry, furiously running about a soccer field.  A picture probably would not have captured the golden hilarity of this moment, but let me tell you, it was GREAT and I CHUCKLED.  
In Puerto Montt:
  • Actually, don't think I missed much in Puerto Montt LOL. 

     In Chiloé:
    • Lots of pretty, brightly-colored wooden churches.  They're a UNESCO world heritage site!  Cool!
    • A parade in Ancud - I think it was to celebrate Chiloé's legends?  I didn't really understand everything that was going on, but it was pretty neat!  There were loads of people dressed up as mermaids, witches, traucos (which apparently are sort of like an evil goblin that impregnates ladies and kills men with his deadly stare, but only in Chiloé! ), fishermen, pregnant ladies (a group of old men cross-dressing in very silly costumes, I think to ward off the traucos?), etc.  And a bunch of homemade floats, one of which was a BASILISK and also a giant chicken and 14-18 foot trauco waving an ax around and breathing fire.  
    • PENGUINS!  There might be a picture of that sometime.  And also there were otters and lots of birds and more sea lions! 
    • More beautiful nature, but island-style this time.

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