Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Skins post

Well, this one was fine, I guess.  It certainly had some good parts and some not-as-good parts.  But enough of the vagueties.  On to the recap!

The Slutty Twin is recovering from her massive Effy-inflicted head injury, and also her name is Katie.  She hasn't been going to college so Emily disguises herself as Katie (it was easy, she just dressed up like a skank) to take a test for her or something (they are TWINS, remember!).  Naomi recognizes Emily, just in time to tell her that she is going to spend her summer "finding herself" in Cyprus, with no help from Emily.  Poor Emily, she is very sad now.  Just as Naomi walks out of her life forever (until next school year), Emily calls out "I'll miss you, Naomi!  You are the love of my life!" and Naomi runs back and they totally make out in the hallway.

"Twins are so confusing!"

Meanwhile, Katie is sitting at home with her mum, whingeing and moaning about her unattractive head injury.  She says something about how everyone just likes her for her looks and Emily is the smarter twin.  Emotions!  Her mother promises to hunt Effy down.  "She will go to JAIL for what she did to you!"  What, where did Effy go?

When Katie is done whingeing, we see Emily and Naomi hanging out, all naked and stuff.  Naomi is like "I don't think I'll be going to Cyprus anymore, hehe!" and Emily is like "Yay!  Wanna go to the school dance with me, like, as a couple?" but Naomi says she doesn't want to because then everyone will think she's, like, gay, you know?.  Emily is very frustrated and is like, "We definitely just had some lesbian sex.  I mean,  LOOK AT HOW NAKED WE ARE!  Stop lying to yourself."  And she runs off, without any shoes or jackets.  At the bus stop, she is looking a right mess.  Thomas, who has taken a break from his busy partying schedule, sees her and gives her his shoes and jacket, as well as some words of wisdom (he has learned a lot from his relationship with the adulterous Pandora).  Aw, what a nice guy. 

Emily gets home and still looks a right mess.  Her family wants to know where she's been.  Her mom, ever the overblown caricature of a looks-obsessed adult, wonders why she looks so awful.  "Did some BOY do that to you?" she inquires.  "Yeah, did some BOY do that?  If so, I will mash his brains into a pulp!" her dad, ever the overblown caricature of a fitness-obsessed adult, gleefully offers.  But Emily is like, "No way, family.  It was a GIRL.  I just nailed a GIRL."  The parents are aghast.  Katie says Emily is lying, she's totally straight!, and the dad thinks it's a hilarious joke.  What a supportive family!

Later on, Katie and Emily have a terrible fight but then they get over it.  Katie wants to go shopping for a dress to wear to the dance.  They decide to go to the dance together, without dates, because boys and Naomis can be jerks sometimes.  There is a shopping montage accompanied by some exceedingly sassy music.  Emily and Katie are having fun together, yay!  But oh no, who's that walking into the DRESS SHOP?!  It's Freddie, of course. Katie is really mad at him because of how he had sex with Effy instead of searching for her after she was hit in the head with a rock when they were in the woods that one time.  You know, normal relationship stuff.  He and Katie have a chat in the dressing room.

Freddie blabs about how JJ slept with Emily, even though that was a SECRET!  Katie remembers this information; it will be good for blackmailing. 

Meanwhile, Naomi goes over to Emily's place, but she's not there.  Instead, her mom is there, and she tells Naomi she must never see Emily again.  Oh no!  Naomi calls Emily and they meet up somewhere, but whoa, it's actually Katie!  She tells Naomi about Emily's thing with JJ and she wants Naomi to stay away from her sister because she doesn't like how she is gay,  they are supposed to be exactly the same, and she doesn't want anyone else to love her (which is kind of nice, but still, what a bitch!).  Naomi is like "ugh, what a biiiiiitch."

Emily and Katie go to the dance looking exactly the same.  Their dates are Freddie and JJ now, but they aren't talking much because things are awkward.  Naomi shows up and she confronts Emily about that thing with JJ.  Everyone starts fighting, but Emily and Katie's fight is the best.  Emily almost punches Katie in the face on the dancefloor, but then she doesn't because that's, like, totally what Effy did, and also she loves her sister or whatever.  They make up, Katie accepts Emily for who she is, and Naomi and Emily declare their love for each other in front of the whole college.  Oh, and Pandora and Thomas get back together, but what's more important is that Thomas HAS KILLER STYLE IN SUITS!  What a cool guy.

Yay, happy endings all around! 

Some thoughts:
  • Oh man, the music was so annoying this episode.  I'm going to have to confiscate some of those gold stars I gave the music person.  There were like THREE TIMES where music with words was playing over dialog!  Unacceptable.
  • Oh man, the adults were so annoying this episode.  The parents especially; they were perhaps the most ridiculous of ALL the parents, and that's saying something.
  • Otherwise, it was pretty good!


  1. So would you say Thomas is the one with out any emotional baggage or issue? I mean besides the whole getting kicked out and moving away issue. He seems like the coolest one easily. Too bad he isn't much of a main character. asperger magicican, JJm is a close second in my opinion, while freddie just seems a bit vapid. Like how you mentioned in your past post about two expressions. Pretty boring dude. He kind of reminds me of this person I know but that's besides the point.

    I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and just watch these and form a real solid opinion. This is all just speculation through these recaps

    whingeing needs to be used more often too

  2. Great Omar, I'm glad I convinced you to start watching this show AFTER IT ENDED (it ended last week)! More on ALL OF THAT later!

    "Whingeing" is definitely one of my favorites. I like it because it's, like, "whining" but worse and more intense. We don't really have an equivalent here!
