There have been many! I always think it's kind of weird how people just KNOW I'm a gringa just by looking at me, because there are loads of sickly pale white people here, just like myself. But it might be because I don't look like THIS lady all the time (or ever!):

(That's a fanny pack, by the way, NOT A PURSE. You're welcome for the flawless photoshopping.)
1. Guy in Plaza de Armas - I was sitting by a fountain, taking in the sights like a normal resident of Santiago, NOT A TOURIST, and this guy sat down by me and said "Eres de aqui?" and I had to tell him ALL ABOUT how I was not from "aqui."
2. Kid at the Exercise Park - I was on the body-spinning machine when this 4 or 5-year-old kid on the other spinner asked me if I was from Chile.
3. Helado vendor in Parque O'Higgins - I went up to a helado vendor to buy a helado and before I was able to say "Un helado chirimoya, porfa" in my best Chilean accent, this guy said "Hello!" and then continued to talk to me in English throughout our helado exchange.
4. Little girl at the place where I intern - The first time I went there and was introduced to the kids as the new volunteer, one girl said "Eres gringa?" and I was like "Si, soy de los Estados Unidos" and then she was like "MOTHERFUCKER!"
5. Some random kid looking out a window I passed - I was walking down the street and heard a loud "HELLO!" from a random kid looking out a window.
6. Bunch of kids in a school van I passed - I was walking down the street and a bunch of kids in a school van shouted "HELLO!" and "HI!" at me.