Wednesday, February 16, 2011

American Skins is pretty okay now, I guess

This last episode was pretty okay.  I actually laughed out loud a few times!  Mostly at the guy who plays Tony's acting, because it is nearing The Room-level proportions of bad (I am not even kidding.  It is THAT BAD.  I think I'll have to keep watching this show to laugh at Tony's acting, if nothing else).  Anyways, this was a Cadie episode, and so it was mostly very different from the original Cassie episode, since they are sort of not the same character.

THE BASICS:  Cadie's dad is a taxidermist, which I guess is where she gets her fondness for knives from.  Her mom is a self-absorbed ex-pageant queen.  They don't like to pay much attention to her so she goes to a lot of doctors for help with her mental issues, which include OCD and having a phobia of pigeons, but they just give her a lot of pills.  One doctor tells Cadie she should spend more quality time with her parents, so she goes hunting with her dad.  She almost shoots him at one point?  Stanley tells Cadie to come to this party Michelle's having.  "Yay, a date with Stanley!" she says, but Stanley is like "whatever dude, just bring loads of pills.  PILLS PILLS PILLS!"  She goes to the party, and everyone there is like "PILLS?" and she is like "yup, pills" and gives them all her pills.  They all do lots of pills.  Michelle's mom gets really drunk, which is like so totally embarrassing for Michelle.  Also, Michelle's mom's boyfriend is super creepy and hits on Cadie a lot.  Stanley ignores Cadie and instead goes off to Michelle's room for his first wank scene.  Cadie spies on Tony and Tea, who are having a heated argument about FEELINGS.  Tony is like "We had sex, Tea!  Stop ignoring me!  Whine whine whine!" and Tea is like "dude, I'm a lesbian!"  Then Tea tells Cadie that Stanley doesn't like her and he just invited her to the party because he wanted her PILLS.  Brutal!  So Cadie, like, starts to make out with Michelle's mom's boyfriend to make him jealous or something?  Stanley is concerned.  Then Cadie goes home and takes lots of pills, but for medical reasons.

  • OMG Tony's acting is so so bad.  It's like he's one of the cool kids in high school, probably a football player, who has to take drama class for an arts requirement but doesn't want anyone to think he's some sort of NERD who likes to ACT and so he tries his hardest to not be any good whatsoever at acting.  Expect this guy is THE PRINCIPAL CHARACTER on a POPULAR NEW TV SHOW ON MTV and HE IS GETTING PAID TO DO THIS.  I find this incredible!  
  • Stanley's hairdo.  How can I read your emotions if I cannot see your face?
  •  Ugh DO NOT LIKE the new Effy (she has a different name but I cannot be bothered to find out what that is).  She looks like she is TEN YEARS OLD and is still very bad at the acting (which is sort of impressive considering she hasn't said a single word yet)!  The incest episode is definitely not going to work.  I miss the REAL Effy :(
  • Lots of dirty word censoring!  I guess this isn't MTV's fault, but I'll just go ahead and blame them anyway.  Stop bleeping things, MTV!  It annoys me GREATLY!
  • Tony's terrible acting makes me laugh.  It's VERY amusing sometimes!
  • The girl who plays Cadie is fine, I suppose.  She has nice eyes (is that a weird thing to say?  Yes?  Oh well THAT IS JUST WHAT I NOTICED).  And I'm glad that she's made Cassie into a mostly different character, albeit a less fun and lovable one.  Also, it's nice that they had the sense to not do a shot-for-shot remake of the original Cassie episode, because that would have been absolute sacrilege (seriously, that is one of my favorite episodes of anything everSO GOOD).
  • I liked that part where she's playing with scissors and her mom takes them away, but then Cadie pulls out a comically large pair of scissors when she leaves.  I LOL'ed.  Good job, props department!
  • Abud is sort of adorable and an okay actor! 

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