Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The new American Skins is still pretty horrid, but not as horrid as before

It's getting a little bit better, I think?  Though that might just be because this second episode was a Tea episode, and Tea, you will remember, is pretty much the only person who can act on this dreadful show.  Also, this one wasn't an exact replica of an episode from the original series.  It was entirely new, actually!  Still pretty terrible, though.

BASICS:  The gang is eats lunch at school.  Stanley is a fucking pig and has food smeared all over his face.  Tony tries to get Tea to flash everyone at the next football game because of a bet she lost or something?  Tea has a very noisy family.  They are all Jewish and Italian, which we know because their house is practically a museum of menorahs and Italian flags.  And her dad has an Italian restaurant and works for the mafia.  They have no idea Tea is a lesbian, even though she's always going out clubbing on school nights and bringing home girls for noisy lesbian sex.  Tea has to go on a date with Tony because it would help her dad's mafia connections?  They go to a playground and get drunk, then Tea takes Tony to an empty bar?  And they make out and have sex, like normal straight guys and lesbians do?  Something something, Tea's senile grandmother had an affair with a lesbian during the Holocaust.  Then at school, the girl she took home the other day kisses her in front of everyone so now the entire school knows they are lesbians, which could be problematic because now the other cheerleaders won't want to do that one classic cheerleading move where they hoist you up in the air by your boobs?

  • I've mentioned it already, but Stanley is a fucking pig.  Learn how to put your food in your mouth!  All the other teenagers have mastered this skill already!  STOP GROSSING ME OUT!!!
  • Mad Mao Le Dong is nowhere near as entertaining as Madison Twatter, PhD.
  • Tony is still very OBNOXIOUS and AN ASSHOLE and CAN'T ACT.  Also, his little flirtation with Maxxie is not so . . . notable here because Maxxie is now a HOT LESBIAN CHEERLEADER.  I don't get it?
  • SO MANY problems with the acting and dialogue!  Although there was less British slang this time around.
  • I'm not sure I understood the thing about Tea's grandma and her lesbian affair during the Holocaust.  That was weird.
  • Tea was fine.
  • That scene where they were at the playground was kind of cute.
  • Congrats to Tea on the first wank scene of the new series!