I know it's been weeks, practically months since the last episode of Skins, and I haven't done my RECAP yet, but here it is. It was rather underwhelming for a SEASON FINALE but it still had many good parts. Here's what happened!

Cook's dad owes a lot of money to the pubtender so Cook enters a race to help him out, and also to beat that guy who was hitting on Effy earlier. But then Freddie and JJ show up! They all have a big argument and everyone drops what they are doing to listen to them.
"I'm really interested in what these children are talking about in slightly raised voices."
Freddie and Cook decide to race against each other and whoever wins will get to keep Effy, or whatever. But then JJ enters the race! What's he doing there? He's too nerdy to win a race, especially if it is a GRANNY RACE?!?!?! WHAT!

Cook goes to see his dad at the docks (he lives on a boat, btw) so they can have more fun, father-son bonding time. But what's this? His dad is trying to leave town before his boat can be seized and his son can say goodbye to him? Plus, his dad didn't want Cook to visit, and besides, Cook was an accident so why should he care about him? Ouch. Cook is distraught. is dad threatens to hit him with a lit firecracker? Crazy. But then Freddie shows up and knocks Cook's dad out with the classic heavy object to the head move! JJ and Effy who up, and they all start sailing down the river with Cook's dad's unconscious body in tow. He wakes up and Cook shoves him overboard because he has finally realized he does not need that nasty dad, even though he is the only dad he's got. Freddie and Cook are friends again! Freddie wonders "What do we do now?" and it is ALL OVER.
And here's what I thought:
- My main problem with this episode and pretty much the whole third season, is this: I don't care which guy Effy ends up with! They're both pretty bad! Cook is a childish jerk and Freddie is a boring wanker (but that might be more of a problem of that guy's acting, which is pretty bad sometimes)! That was a pretty weak overarching plot line. (but OBVIOUSLY Effy should've chosen JJ because he's a gentleman and he won the race besides.)
- Where was everyone else? Finales are supposed to be "everyone" episodes!
- That was such a boring and lazy ending! "What's going to happen next? WINK WINK, keep watching our show!" Geesh. I don't care what happens next because there are no questions dying to be answered unless you count "Will Effy stay with Freddie this time?" which would be a boring question. I'm going to be irked (IRKED!) if I have to sit through that dumb storyline again! I miss the days of Skins yore, when finales were times for Cat Stevens singalongs and transcontinental soul searching.
- Otherwise, it was pretty good. It was nice to get some backstory on Cook, and for that backstory to involve Super Hans.
And here is a Skins Series 3 Report Card:
- I ended up liking it more than I thought I would at the (horrible) beginning. The characters certainly grew on me, except for Freddie, who got VERY ANNOYING by the end. Even Cook was not so bad! I actually thought the guy who played him, Jack O'Connell, did a great job (and I just found out he was Pukey Nicholls in This is England. True story!) and I totally wouldn't mind if he went on to star in the next Big Movie and be nominated for all the awards, a la Anwar of Series 1 and 2. And I really liked JJ and the twins and Thomas. The actors who played them were pretty good, too. And Naomi and Pandora were fine as well, I suppose. And of course (of course!) Effy was great. Good job, everyone except Freddie!
- Gradeswise, I would give the first half of the season a D and the second half a B+. I'm really glad they (They? They.) took my advice and toned down the CRAZY EXTREEEEME of the first few episodes. Good job, you guys!
Agreed. It felt underwhelming because it didn't feel like a finale at all. It just happened to be the last episode of the series. It was pretty predictable that cooks dad was going to wind up like he did and turn his back on him again. (Just like every good deadbeat dad on a tv show. My favorite being Wills dad on Fresh Prince. Which is a good episode to see why Will Smith got jobs afterwards. Im serious its good stuff) But I guess it was to show where they would end up if they continued trying to live like that being OUT OF CONTROL TEENS and their characters could grow and learn a little about themselves before setting off to sea on more adventures. Or sailing back home.
ReplyDeleteJJ was easily the best in the episode and the only one with his head on straight and that actually got something accomplished. Effy made a decision, Freddie lost a race, and Cook still doesn't have a father. I guess Freddie and Effy did get it on in a warehouse. Has there not been a pregnancy plot line yet? It has been done hundreds of times now, sure, but they want some sense of realism, right? I don't know, I'm sure Effy is prepared seeing is she is kind of a slut.
They should've just gone ahead and focused more on Cooks past for the episode.
I'm surprised you didn't mention the straight edge guys.
Oh yeah. Straightedgers GO!
Oh man, a nautical Skins? How fun would that be! I, for one, am rather irked that Effy could not "choose" JJ since he is the most likable and reliable guy, plus he practices personal hygiene. And why can't the guy with Asperger's get the hottest girl? It's 2009! There was a pregnancy plot line last season but it ended in a shmashmortion, so they could very well have another one of those. Pregnancy plot lines, I mean.
ReplyDeleteWoohoo, can't wait for next season!