Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SKINS: Being in jail suuuuuucks!

This last episode of Skins was pretty good!  Super ridiculous, of course, but not as bad as it could have been considering it was a Cook episode (of course, you must remember that the last Cook episode was possibly the worst in the show's history WHICH IS SAYING A LOT!!).  Although, Cook has been a great character this season, strangely enough!  The guy who plays him has been doing an excellent job!  Jack something, I think his name is.  Something like that.  Anyways, time for a RECAP!!!

Cook is in jail because he was arrested for assault after that fight last week.  It sucks!  All of the adults are treating him like shit and being like "Oh he's such a violent moron who thinks he can just beat up whoever he wants and get away with it" which, true enough, but also COME ON, adults.  Stop JUDGING!  So, Cook meets his lawyer.  It's that guy from Pulling (side note: Pulling is a great show!  I would have written about if my blog hadn't died.  So if you could just imagine a post called "Pulling is great!" filled with reasons for why I enjoyed the show Pulling, that would be great)!  Awesome.  He has a mustache now. 

He's a bad lawyer, though.  He tells Cook to plead guilty and get a short jail sentence but Cook is like "Fuck that, I'm not staying in jail!  Being in jail SUCKS!"  So he's on house arrest for a bit, but he has to live at his MOM's house now!  You will remember that Cook has no parents.  Well, now he does!  Turns out she's a famous and wealthy artist (and also Karen from Pulling!) from whom he was just estranged for all of last season!  Great.  Turns out he also has a little brother!  Great.  They bond.  It's cute.  

Then Cook goes to his mom's art show, and it is here that he learns she slept with his best mate Freddy?  WHAT!?  Cook is furious, so he accidentally breaks one of mom's priceless works of art.  Whoops!  Mom is pissssed.  Now they're estranged again.  So, he hangs out with his baby brother.  They go on a crazy ride around town and chug some brewskies together, as teenage boys and baby brothers do.  Cook is like "Tell everyone to piss off, little bro!  Everyone sucks!  Fuck 'em all!" because he's mad at the world.  So his brother goes "Yeah, fuck off, world!  FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!  SCHOOL SUCKS AND DRUGS ARE THE BEST!" and then Cook is like, "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't be teaching my baby brother all of these bad things.  What if I am a BAD INFLUENCE???"

Then he runs into Freddy and is like "Dude, why did you sleep with my mom?" and Freddy says "Sorry man, it was just a blowjob."  Oh, okay.  Problem solved!  Then he runs into Naomi and she is like "Dude, let's talk about how we gave that dead girl the drugs with which she killed herself" and Cook is like "Fuck NO, I had no part in that" but you can tell he is totally wrestling with some tumultuous inner guilt.  Then they have a heartfelt conversation and make out a bit.  OH, LESBIANS.  Always making out with guys!  Anyways, Cook realizes he has done some pretty shitty things and feels really guilty now.  He doesn't want to be a bad person anymore!  

So, Cook goes to court and has a meaningful talk with his lawyer.  The lawyer is actually kind of nice and understanding!  Good Adult number one this season.  Cook pleads guilty for beating up some random dude AND ALSO HIS OTHER BEST FRIEND JJ IT TURNS OUT!!  Oof.  And he confesses to giving the dead girl drugs.  Before he's locked up he has a chat with Effy, who WILL NOT SHUT UP about how much she loves Freddy now.  Cook is taking it okay, though.  He's moving on!  Learning to be a better person!  In jail!

  • Lots of good acting in this episode!  Everyone was great.  Except Freddy, OF COURSE, but all he had to do was say "Hey dude!  Your mom gave me a blowjob!" so it wasn't a HUGE concern.

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