Friday, September 24, 2010

SKINS: Mysterious death continues to mystify the gang!

I don't remember ALL of what happened in this episode, the second of the fourth season, because I watched it several months ago and that's a long time to remember ALL of what happens in a TV show.  It was pretty good, I think?  Anyways, it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that we talk about it, so I will recap it here in brief.  Some details may not be entirely accurate but OH WELL.  That can't be helped.  There's no way I could possibly refresh my memory.

So, this episode was an Emily episode.  Yay!  Everyone loves Emily.  She's kind of shook up about that girl's death that she witnessed, but not shook up enough to say no to a fun motor scooter ride through Bristol with her lovely girlfriend Naomi.  Oh, it was so cute!  There was probably a lot of aggressively twee music playing over that bit.  One has no way of knowing for sure, though.

Naomi is acting weird because she sort of hand something to do with that girl's death?  Because she gave her drugs?  And also Cook was involved somehow?  Anyways, Emily is very suspicious.  She does some detective work, going to the dead girl's house and interviewing her brother.  AND GUESS WHAT SHE FOUND OUT!!!  Naomi knew the dead girl, and not only that, but she was having an affair with her!!!  Emily is shocked.  How did she find out about this, you must wonder?  Well, Emily not only talked to the dead girl's brother but also rifled through her things, and that was where she found a GRAPHIC NOVEL telling the story of their affair!!!  Apparently Naomi went on a college tour without telling Emily (the horror!) and that was where she met this dead chick.  As you can see, they had fun together:
Some other stuff happens.  I think there was some drama in Emily's family?  Something about her dad, maybe?  Anyways, Emily is very sad.  She almost jumps off a roof.  But Naomi stops her!  Yay!  They probably have a chat about their relationship.  And I think the dead girl's brother was there or something?  I know he popped up again.  

Also, there was this part at the end where Cook comes back from wherever he was and gets in a big fight with someone, probably because he was mad about Freddy and Effy being together or whatever.  Effy probably looked conflicted.  And the love triangle drama begins anew.OH GOOD I'M SO GLAD WE ARE REVISITING THAT EXCITING PLOT LINE.


  1. I also write down all my secrets in graphic novel format. Haha who does that? I don't even question most things that happen in Skins but for some reason I can't get over that.

    Also, these lesbians are almost too pretty! When's the butch English lesbian going to come in? Maybe the UK just has all the cute lesbians oh well

  2. Yeah, I LOL'd at the graphic novel thing. So ridiculous.

    I know, the lesbians are very cute! You may also remember that Maxxie, the gay from the first seasons, was also very good looking. But there are never any butch or boring or fat or generally unattractive gays on any TV shows! They ALWAYS look good. Maybe someday. Baby steps, though.
