Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let's talk about Misfits

So, I haven't watched Skins in a while since I've been too busy watching this show called Misfits, which is in many ways SO MUCH BETTER than Skins (at least the current Skins, which I have more of a love-hate relationship with.  The first two seasons are absolutely ~GOLDEN~, of course.) and oh so much fun.  It's really great!

So, it's basically just Skins with superpowers, which sounds a bit silly but HEY.  It works!  So, there's a group of five "young offenders" who are out doing community service when BLAM! they get struck by lightning during a strange electrical storm.  Now they all have superpowers.  Cool!  One guy can become invisible, this other guy time travels, one girl reads minds, etc.  They use these powers to solve mysteries and stop bad guys and kill their probation workers, that sort of thing.  There's a lot of running around with people going "Hey, [so-and-so] is in danger!  We've got to go save [him/her] before the [probation officer/werewolf/shape-shifter/Grand Theft Auto guy/evil tattooist] KILLS [HIM/HER]!!" You're probably thinking "That sounds silly" in which case, YES I KNOW IT SOUNDS SILLY.  But trust me!  It works

As I mentioned in that last paragraph, Misfits is quite similar to Skins, mostly because it's a British show about an improbably paired group of youngsters who sometimes do DRUGS and have SEX and are TRAGICALLY MISUNDERSTOOD BY ALL THE ADULTS.  But Misfits is such a quality show that most times it beats Skins at its own game.  Consider:
  • acting! - The good acting by children/young people that is a trademark of Skins (apart from certain people in the last two seasons who have annoyed me greatly with their lack of creativity in the facial expressions department.  By which I mean Freddie [but props where props are due, he was alright in last episode.  ALRIGHT.]) is definitely beat by Misfits because EVERYONE is universally great.  Not a bad one in the bunch!  Even the supporting characters are quite well-done and have depth!  It's great.  I can't wait to watch other stuff and be like "OMG IT'S SO-AND-SO FROM MISFITS!!!" because they are all very good at their job and should be in so many more things.
  • adults who just don't understand - On Skins, practically all the adults just don't understand, and are usually obnoxious (OH SO OBNOXIOUS) caricatures of what real adults who just don't understand are like.  They are not so bad on Misfits! 
  • music - Like Skins, there's loads of good music on Misfits.  But it never plays LOUDLY OH SO LOUDLY over dialogue.  + 1 MISFITS.
  • being super cheeky - big theme for both Skins and Misfits.  Simon's "I'm going to KILL JESUS!" moment during the Christmas special was super cheeky; I would say it rivals the jumping-the-cheeky-shark Osama! The Musical bit from Skins.   
  • funny bits - there's always a couple hearty LOLs on each episode of Misfits, whereas Skins is much less reliable these days in the funny bits department and usually has a couple jokes that thud violently to the ground (because they don't work, you see.  They fall very flat.).  SIGH.
Now before I go on (and on and on, probably) about this, let's watch a little clip from the show!  This is when some of the gang are getting ready to fight some evil brainwashers.

 Wasn't that nice!  You can tell that these guys have fun with their characters, which is nice because THEN I HAVE FUN.  That's Simon, listening to Kraftwerk (Kraftwerk!) and dressed up like a guy from Kraftwerk (look at this picture here!), and then that's Kelly and Nathan.  Incidentally, these guys are THE VERY BEST.  Simon is probably my fave, bless his tidy little Kraftwerk-loving heart, but Nathan and Kelly are close seconds.  Seriously, I don't know any of these so-called chavs, but if they are all like Kelly then I want to move to England ASAP and be best friends with ALL OF THEM because they are great

  • Love the time travel stuff!  So much fun.  More on this later in the spoiler section.
  • Love how the mysteries tend to be resolved pretty quickly without giving me time to lose my patience/interest!  Although I would like to know how SPOILER SPOILER was able to travel through SPOILER for an extended period of time without the use of a SPOILER SPOILER, ifyouknowwhatImean.
  • Love how the universe keeps expanding and more people have powers and some of them are silly and make me laugh (along with the characters on the show!  So meta).  Lactokinesis?  LOLOL. 
  • How great was that episode where Nathan fell in love with Simon?  And that one with the Grand Theft Auto guy?  SO GOOD.
  • So, what powers does everyone have now?  I hope Simon got the ability of Being Awesome at Parkour and then the immortality one IF THERE IS ENOUGH CASH for that.  Or maybe he could just get the parkour ability and then go buy a bulletproof vest.  That would make sense.
  • Okay, so I've got some major time travel quibbles.  First of all, where did they find/build a time machine???  They must have acquired a time machine somehow!  But also, how did they all die at the hands of the lactokinetic serial killer only to go back in time and stop that from happening while still retaining the knowledge gained from that experience?  How is it that The Gang are the only people who remember what happened in the future even though tons of other people were involved in what they did there?  Why does Simon get to remember everything and become Mr. Super Parkour and yet no one else recognizes who these famous people from the future are???  I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS.
  • Speaking of which, I love how it's Simon who becomes The Greatest Hero
  • Speaking of Simon, does he live in his future underground lair now?  I know he was living in Nathan's bathroom when they became famous and his parents where weirded out by the invisibility thing, but that future was erased and apparently no one else retained the knowledge of it so now his parents are NOT weirded out and he would not need to live somewhere else.  Plus, how did he acquire this lair in the future?  It must have been acquired somehow.  THIS SEEMS REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME.  Also, why is it that we've met all of Nathan's family but know hardly anything about the other guys'!?  I mean, we know Simon has "parents" and "a sister" but that's it!  THIS ALSO SEEMS IMPORTANT TO ME.
Well, that's about it.  Can't wait until next fall (NEXT FALL!  THAT IS SERIOUSLY TOO LONG.)!


  1. i had just about started to watch this after I read some of this post and I'm going to have to agree with you. What an awesome show.

    Everything you mentioned about what makes it great is totally spot on. Everything just feels really well put together and thought out (So far atleast, because right now there's a big WTF on the time travel thing like you mentioned)

    This is a big example of how much acting can just drive a show to be something great. While something like the US Skins seems to be held back by it, the actors on Misfits all do a great job of showing the value of each character and getting the audience involved into actually caring.

    I just hope SOME characters are spotlighted a little more. I felt like there was a lot of focus on Nathan and Simon, which makes sense as they are probably the two best actors on the show. I want to be surprised by the other three, especially by the girl who plays Kelly.

    I've been telling everyone I know who loves shows about Misfits now. I should get more attention. At least before the US remake is done

  2. It should get more attention*****
