Thursday, January 20, 2011

SKINS: JJ + candy store + ingenious mixing of plaids = YES

So it's been a while since I've talked about Skins, mostly because I was sidetracked by the precious wonder that is Misfits, but I just watched this last episode and OMG LOVED IT.  It was surprisingly fun and lighthearted, which was quite a relief after the soul-crushing devastation of last week's episode (LOL last week.  I am so on schedule with this thing!).  Also, this was a JJ episode, which is great because JJ is the BEST BEST BEST and I think thus far his episodes are way better than everyone else's.  But let's get going!  RECAP:

So, JJ is working at a CANDY STORE now.  He is so quirky.  Because I love lists, here is a list of things that make JJ quirky:
  • He works in a candy store!
  • He flirts with little old ladies to make them feel young!
  • He plays the ukelele!
  • He does MAGIC!
  • This is his car!
  •  And in that car, he unironically sings along to hilariously sexist American hip hop (sidenote: seriously, I love it when they poke fun at the American stereotypes.  It's never not the funniest thing ever, which is pretty impressive considering how the quality of so many other things has. . . fluctuated, shall we say, in recent seasons.) with his mom!
  • He wears bowties!
  • He wants to be an astronaut!
  • He's really good at science!
  • He's got Asperger's!  (LOL JK that does not make him quirky.  I'm sure that it is entirely coincidental that the quirkiest person to have ever quirked in the history of Skins is also the only one who has Asperger's.)
JJ totally has the hots for this girl named Laura at the candy store who, thankfully, is just about as quirky as he is.  We know this because some of her hair is pink.  After much agonizing about whether he should ask her out, he asks her out.  PROBLEM SOLVED YES.  Meanwhile, Freddy sneaks Cook into JJ's room for safekeeping (you will remember that he broke out of jail and is a fugitive from justice.  Classic Cook!).  Cook and JJ have a chat in the shower about how JJ can win Laura's heart.  Cook shaves his balls.

JJ goes to pick Laura up for their date and finds out she has a baby.  Whoa!  JJ has no problem with this, though, because he is such a pro.  Also, he's wearing a plaid bowtie.

They go to a bar and everything goes horribly wrong because JJ was listening to Cook's advice and not being himself.  He tries to escape by climbing out the bathroom window, but Laura stops him.  It must be said that JJ's outfit is fantastic and he is an absolute MASTER at mixing plaids. 
Look at this!  JJ is wearing THREE different plaids!

Laura is a bit weirded out but then they have a nice heart-to-heart on a bench somewhere (TRUE FACT: all of the heart-to-hearts on Skins take place on benches) and she decides that she likes him because he likes to flirt with old ladies, but also probably because he has a rare talent for mixing plaids successfully and is most likely awesome at playing the ukelele.  They make out.  It must be said that Laura's hairdo is very adorable.

There's a montage of JJ and Laura having lots of fun (read: having lots of sex) and when JJ goes back to his house Cook is like "Where you been, man!?  I've been holding in my poop for TWO DAYS let me ooooout!" and then Cook goes to the bathroom, presumably.  

JJ goes to the doctor with his mom and the doctor is concerned that he has a girlfriend because of his Asperger's condition.  There's some sort of argument?  I don't know, I just remember there's a part where JJ is like, yelling at his mom, and says "I LOVE HER VERY MUCH, MOM.  WE HAVE SEX EVERY DAY.  YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!!!" Also, JJ runs into the father of Laura's child, who makes some nasty threats. 

JJ takes Laura and her baby to meet his friends and family, starting with Naomi and Emily, which was a terrible idea because they are always bickering and being mean and grumpy now.  It's all very awkward and WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO BE NICE AGAIN I CAN'T STAND THIS :(  So then Laura goes to JJ's to meet his family.  His mom is surprised that Laura is already a mother but is very respectful about it until she accidentally says "Well then, let's have a cup of tea and a nice slut."  LOL it must be said that JJ's mom is also THE BEST.  Laura gets mad and storms off, and then Cook is forced out of his hiding.  Everyone is furious with JJ now.  It sucks!

JJ spends a lot of time moping about because he's sad about Laura leaving him.  Then he has a nice chat with his Dad, who had previously not taken much interest in his problems (We know this because his face was always hidden behind a newspaper, even at the dinner table [classic, subtle Skins!]).  This, along with a quick listen to The Man in the Mirror, gives JJ the confidence he needs to confront Laura's ex (who decides to stop being mean to JJ, yes!) and win his lady love back.   He does this by  serenading her with some ukelele Spandau Ballet, with assistance from a ukelele orchestra.  It's painfully adorable and quirky.

  • This was definitely one of my favorites of recently.  I sort of forgot how funny Skins can be!  I actually laughed out loud a couple times!
  • How did Cook break out of jail?  AND WHY HAS NO ONE BOTHERED TO ASK HIM ABOUT THIS?!?!?  It's another Skins Mystery!
  • I just realized that we are nearing the end of the last season with Generation Two and still it appears there are not any characters that will stay behind and join the new group?  That is going to be WEIRD and DISORIENTING.

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