Monday, April 4, 2011

SKINS: the gang learns about Shakespeare and Grace's magical wardrobe

So, this last episode was pretty good!  We finally got a closer look at the mind and wardrobe of the fabulous Grace Violet-Blood, plus there was a lot of DRAMA.  Good stuff!  RECAP.
Rich stayed over at Grace's one night and now he has to escape by sneaking suavely, oh so suavely, past . . . PRINCIPAL BLOOD?!?!  Because he is GRACE'S DAD?!  Turns out Principal Blood, bribe enthusiast extraordinaire and hated authority figure, is Grace's dad, but she's been keeping this interesting fact quiet since it would damage his reputation or something.  Anyways, Rich gets caught and now Grace's parents know who he is.  Grace is like "Parents!  This is Rich!" and her parents are like "JUDGING."

Grace's dad is mad at her for hanging around with the gang, who are all not as posh as they should be.  So he threatens to send her back to this all girls school that is very far away from the rest of the gang WHICH IS NOT A GOOD IDEA :( and this makes Grace cry WHICH IS EVEN MORE NOT GOOD :( so now she has to get an A in her drama class in order to stay in Bristol.  She's like the director of this Shakespeare play, and the rest of the gang minus Nick are the actors.  Mini is a horrible actor. Franky has to get all romantic with Matty, which makes Liv very upset so she's like "Grace, Matty and I are leaving your play forever and ever GOODBYE!" and now Grace is going to fail her class.  Liv is such a great friend!

Rich meets with Principal Blood, who did a background check on Rich's poshness because this is something that really needed to be done before he could have dinner with the Bloods.  Turns out Rich is not posh enough.  Who would have thought!  So Principal Blood bribes him into performing badly in Grace's play so that he can blackmail his own daughter
Formal wear!  SO METAL!

Rich shows up at the dinner wearing a nice formal wear tie.  Everyone is really posh and knowing the words to this pea song, and Rich feels left out.  Then the girls come over to Grace's and Liv is like "COCAAIIIIINE!" and the girls do some cocaine.  Grace is like "This is MAHVELOUS!  We should do cocaine every day!!!"  Also, Liv is mad at Franky looking at her boyfriend with googly eyes.  Then they go to this club, and Matty and Rich are there.  Rich is super drunk and says something about how Grace is too "fake" when she's around her parents.  Franky gets groped by some stupid guy AGAIN and so Matty intervenes in a very gentlemanly manner and this pisses Liv off SO MUCH. 

Grace is working on the play, but it's not going so well because there is a lot of inter-actor DRAMA.  So she makes Franky kiss like everyone in the gang, practically, to figure out which parts are best for whom.  This creates more DRAMA.  But eventually Matty and Liv are back on board, and the show is a great success even though it causes more feelings to be hurt and more Liv being mean to Franky.  Afterwards, Grace's dad is like "Good job on the play, it was great!  But I'm sending you off to horse school anyways because I hate your friends and am vehemently opposed to the concept of fun."  Grace is pissed, and then just very sad.  She cries a lot.  It was something like this, but with Grace's face:
sad Tony from Skins Pictures, Images and Photos

:( :( :(.  But then Rich shows up outside her window and does this nice Romeo and Juliet thing, and then he and Grace sort of agree to get married?  It's all very adorable and almost too much to handle.  GRACE!  <33s forever.

  •  Grace!  Such a treasure.  So adorable and a barrel of posh laughs to boot!  "Rich is like a young, not black, Sydney Poitier!"  "Cocaine is MAHVELOUS!" <3333.  Outfits:
Look at the print on this DRESS!
And this FLAWLESS color and pattern mixing!
And this sweater!
  • It's kind of weird how Franky and Matty are both giving each other intense googly eyes all the time but never talk to each other.  They're both part of the gang!  They should chat about their feelings, and then maybe there would be less drama!  And also Liv should COOL IT with the stirring of the drama pot. 
  • I like the play thing because Shakespeare! plus it was a much more interesting way to get the relationship drama going than in seasons 2 and 3, for example, when Freddie and Cook were always doing the "WELL DO YOU LOVE HERRR?" thing, only without wearing Renaissance getups.
  • Grace and Rich aren't really going to get married, right? They're like 16!  And there's still another season to get through!
  • Not so many Mattyfaces, but here he is staring creepily at me through cyberspace forever and ever without blinking:
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  1. That's the creepiest mattyface so far. Especially given the context " Ohhmy girlfriend is kissing the other girl I'm into... YESSSSS"

    But I'm glad you mentioned the whole googly eye thing between the two. I mean, that's what their whole relationship is kind of based on isn't it? Besides that time they spoke to each other in the quarry. I guess he saw how fragile she was and she saw how weird and messed up he is? He does say something a long those lines in one of the only times they speak in that scene. I mean yeah she's really cute but having a problem saying he does NOT love her? Oh well. Matty is suppose to be "weird". I'm thinking too much about it!

    I like the fact that between Rich and grace in the alley scene, it's Rich who's sick from legally drinking. I guess forget how matter-of-factly Skins handles the whole drugs things sometimes. Not ever condoning anything but just showing the repercussion of dumb actions. Like getting hammered and puking in a club.

    Never mentioned how FOR I am Grace and Rich. Easily the best "couple" on the show. But are they really suppose to be 16?! That kind of just went right over my head. Im going to blame it on not being familiar with british school systems

    Great episode. Really liked the play as a plot device. Clever

    The less we see Grace crying the better

  2. I know, this is a weird thing! Matty and Franky had like ONE conversation and from then on out it's nothing but googly eyes and other gang members commenting on the googly eyes and asking if they love one another because those are some INTENSE googly eyes. I mean, I can see why Franky is all obsessed with him, because she was something of an outcast who had trouble connecting with people and then BAM! here's this nice, mysterious, handsome guy who comes out of nowhere and tells her she's beautiful. That's special! But Matty seems to bang a lot of chicks, so that doesn't explain much. I guess it's just in his nature to be really INTENSE and MYSTERIOUS, and when one is INTENSE and MYSTERIOUS, one can't just talk reasonably with someone about one's feelings. I imagine!

    Good point about the repercussions! I always thought that was nice. I hate it when MORAL LESSONS intrude on my funtimes tv-viewing experiences! If this were an American show, there would be like so many babies, for example, because the sex-to-unplanned-pregnancy ratio is THROUGH THE ROOF. It would be like this lol "WE'RE ALL TEEN MOMS!" (in case you were wondering, there has only been one pregnancy on Skins and it ended in an abortion FUCK YEAH NO BABIES HERE)

    Oh yes, Grace and Rich are great! I think I MAY have missed mentioning that amidst all of my fawning over Grace, but this is true. So adorable and very much the new Cassie and Sid (that's an old times reference, JUST SO YOU KNOW).

  3. Fuck yeah, babies ruin everything. With the exception of LOST because they disappeared right after they appeared.

    Bristol is quite the thespian there hahaha

    Don't worry. I know enough the first gen to catch that reference

    But I forgot to mention Rich's AWESOME Sunn O))) shirt. Major props wardrobe people.
