So, this last episode was the finale of season 5. Already! We have finished. I thought it was pretty great! I mean, it certainly made me FEEL a lot of FEELINGS, and that's definitely a good thing. But I'm not sure if the 25% delightful romp through the English countryside, 25% adorable rom com, 25% hilarious bromance, and 25% getting-lost-in-the-woods horror movie thing was tonally dissonant, as they say, or brilliant? I think I'll go with brilliant, just because I enjoyed all of those parts. It was all good! I laughed, I thought "ooh, that's pretty," I went "aww!" and I feared for someone's life! SUCCESS!

Montage time! Grace is prepping for her MARRIAGE, Rich and Alo are recovering from what looks to have been a craaaaazy stag night, Liv is moodily smoking a giant spliff, etc. etc. Franky leaves a note at Matty's, saying something like "Stop giving me googly eyes, it makes my head hurt." Matty sees it and is like "huh." Mini shows up and is like "Be nice to Franky, she is a precious snowflake! And stop giving her googly eyes, I want to give her googly eyes now, too!" and Matty is like "Alright."
Everyone is getting ready for the wedding! Franky used her vast mental deposits of creativity and sartorial know-how to craft up some lovely dresses for all the girls. Grace looks so pretty! The cake looks delicious! Meanwhile, Rich got a haircut :O and now he looks like a metal Justin Bieber :O but also it looks very nice! Good for Rich! Clean starts, new beginnings, opening an exciting new chapter in the book of life! It's all very exciting.
The gang head off for the wedding, but not before Mr. Blood gifts Grace with a fashionable bug pin, which is also a BUG, like the sneaky tracking device kind. Yikes! Watch out, Grace!
LOOK at this mixing of plaids!!
So, the wedding is way outside of Bristol, somewhere in the dangerous English countryside. The roads are so rugged and treacherous out there! Alo's van breaks down and now the gang are stranded in the middle of nowhere, looking all sad and dejected in their fancy wedding outfits.
Some of the gang try to find out where to go and Matty just whips out some COCAAAAAAINE. Grace yells at Franky for goofing off, but it's okay because she's so fabulous and she's probably really stressed about her WEDDING anyway. Then! Daisy from Spaced shows up in a CAR and is like "I can give TWO of you a ride!"
So Grace and Rich ride off with Daisy from Spaced to the church, and along the way they learn a valuable lesson about how being married makes some people lame. Daisy's husband used to be into Napalm Death! Mad cool. But now he's some sort of lame hippie. And Rich is like, clearly making a mental note to not become a lame hippie.