Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Can we just talk about how cool our president is?

Seriously, he is such a cool guy.  Forget politics, let's just look at a few reasons for why he is possibly the most awesome American president yet:

1)  He's a Harry Potter fan!  Look, here he is saying he is "excited" for the last book!

Yay!  Plus, he name-dropped J. K. Rowling in his speech on education:  "Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve had the most failures. JK Rowling’s first Harry Potter book was rejected twelve times before it was finally published."  Yay!  This is great not only because, duh, Harry Potter is great and anyone who likes the books is fine by me, but also because Obama must have learned the Lessons of the Books and we can count on him never being a Cornelius Fudge or a Scrimgeour.  Yay!

2) He celebrates Talk Like a Pirate Day and HE ACTUALLY LET A PIRATE INTO THE WHITE HOUSE!!!

3) He likes Juanes!  "He’s a terrific musician," Obama said.  "He puts on a very good concert."

4) He probably likes Kanye West!  Sure, he called him a "jackass," but whatever, I'm just impressed that HE ACTUALLY KNOWS WHO HE IS and is up-to-date enough on definitely-not-that-important news like the Taylor Diss to give an informed opinion of the situation!  (But really, he probably has a few Kanye songs on his iPod.)  And also, by calling Kanye a jackass he showed us that he is really on the pulse of the Nation's Opinions of Kanye West (a very important thing to be on the pulse of)

5)  This picture!



  1. I wonder what a PIRATE and Obama have to talk about to each other. How the pirates can't get health care that covers scurvy? Who knows?!

    Hey. Sense you two are here, is it pretty much agreed upon that he's the best looking president? Because I'd say Michelle Obama is probably the most attractive first lady. I personally cannot get passed Jackie-Os demeanor and voice. I'm sure she was very nice but still. Too stepfords wives for me.

    check this out too

  2. ahaha, how have I not seen that action figure! It is so incredibly detailed! Does he really need a blanket and a bowl of oranges to fight terrorists?

    And yeah, Obama is definitely the best looking president, by far probably. I know Warren G. Harding was a ladies' man back in the twenties (he had several well-documented extramarital affairs while IN THE WHITE HOUSE) but google that and uh, no. JFK was fine, but Robert was definitely the best of the Kennedys in the looks department (also, not a president). Jackie sounded like a robot, but she wore the best clothes so that's why everyone loves her. Michelle is pretty. She doesn't have Jackie's flawless fashion sense, but I think they will both go down in history as the Hottest of the First Ladies.
