Saturday, September 19, 2009

Skins is 'quite good' for the second time in a row!

So, the last episode of Skins was quite good!  For the most part!  That makes two episodes in a row that were quite good!  For the most part!  Here's a brief summary of what went down, in case you did not watch it or have forgotten:

It starts out with JJ sitting in his room with, like, food on his face.  The room is really messy and there is a humongous friendship diagram on his wall.  It is very scientific and detailed.  By looking at it, you can tell that Cook is a crazy tit and Freddie is tall and stoned.

Also, he wants to headbutt some of his friends.  Watch out, Effy!

It turns out JJ broke a model airplane in a fit of rage or whatever, so he goes down to the model shop to buy some more models.  The guy who works there is like, "Why would you break that model?  I'm worried about you, kid."  Next, JJ goes to the doctor and tells him about his problems, but the doctor is like "Yeah, sure, whatever kid.  I don't really care about your friend troubles.  Here's some pills."  All adults are smug, condescending assholes, but doctors are the worst.  While at the doctor, JJ runs into Emily, who is there to talk to a counselor.  They have a friendly chat and bond over how they both have problems and like girls.  JJ is worried he's not "normal" and at one point he gets stressed out and says "Shitification!"  He tells Emily about all his problems, like how his BFFs Freddie and Cook are always ruffling his hair and being mad at each other, and Emily is like "You need to talk to them about this stuff" so they both go to Freddie's house.  Freddie's sister answers the door, and she sees Emily and is like "Hold on now, I thought you were upstairs fucking my brother" only she doesn't say that.  They go upstairs, and the Slutty Twin is fucking her brother.  Emily and JJ are like "Whaaaaat!  I have never even seen you guys talk to each other and now THIS?!  Also, gross, you're my sister/best friend!"  Everyone is mad.  JJ accidentally outs Emily.  Whoops.

JJ goes home, and his mom is sleeping on the couch with all these medical papers strewn about.  Surprise!  JJ has Asperger's.  It's a sad moment.  Then he gets a call from Cook, who talks to him WHILE HE IS HAVING SEX.  Also, Cook says something about how JJ is his friend who will never "finger his pussy candy" (JJ : Cook :: Pandora : Effy) only JJ wasn't supposed to hear that part (classy!).  Poor guy.

JJ storms off and runs into these kids who are always hanging around his house, calling him names and stuff.  JJ is mad so he almost punches one of them, but gives him a lollipop instead.  Magic!  Then he goes to Effy's house.  The door is open so he goes in and finds Effy sitting in her room with no clothes on, naturally.  Effy has a Snoopy sno-cone maker like the one I had as a youngster (important plot detail).

They have a discussion.  JJ is like "Why were you having sex with Cook when he was talking to me?"  and she is like "What are you talking about?"  Double whoops.  Also, JJ wants her to stop making Freddie and Cooke hate each other, but she's like "Sorry, no can do.  I'm feeling very emo and I can't let other people be happy when I'm not."  What a biiiiiiiiitch.  But she offers to be his friend, so that was nice.

Next, JJ goes to see Cook, who it turns out is having sex with Pandora these days.  But it's secret!  Only JJ knows.  Cook lives in OHMYGOD Easter egg for the superfans! Chris's old student flat.  Look at this graffiti! 

JJ tells him about all his problems, but Cook just blows him off because he's a jerk, so JJ gets mad and yells at Cook and calls him a twat.  Cook is like "Well, maybe I am a twat."  They share a tender embrace.  It's nice even though Cook is still a jerk.

Now Effy and Naomi are chatting at the club.  Effy tells Naomi how she likes to fuck Cook "occasionally" but they are not "together" because she does not believe in "love" now that her parents are "fucking their lives up."  Just then, Freddie gives Effy a powerful, intensely loving look.  It is such a powerful look that it catches Effy off guard, and Naomi notices and is like "Ooh, he loves you, gurl!  Did you see that powerful look!?"

JJ and Cook go to the club, and Cook is all hopped up on some of JJ's pills.  He is CUHRAAAZY now because DRUGS!  So of course he starts groping Emily, the gay twin, and then he gets beaten up (I could not tell by whom, it was hard to concentrate what with all the throbbing club beats and strobe lights).  Some of the gang check to see if he's alright.  Freddie is very mad at him!  Cook has a moment of self-realization, something about how he's a shithead and he fucks Pandora just because he can.  What a jerk!  Thomas is there (Thomas works at the club now.  A natural home for someone who parties too hard), and he's really mad because Pandora is supposed to be his girlfriend!  He's like "He does not deserve friends" and I'm like, "Words of wisdom, Thomas.  Where ya been?"  Effy rushes over to see what happened to Cook, and Freddie gives her another intense look.  This time it is a look of annoyance.  He says something snarky and storms off.  Naomi rolls her eyes. 

Meanwhile, Emily is moping around outside because of relationship issues, and also Cook is a jerk with boundary issues.  JJ goes to cheer her up.  They have a meaningful chat, after which they head over to JJ's house.  JJ starts writing on his silly relationship wall and Emily feels bad for him or something so she offers him the "charity event" of "Sex with Emily Even Though She Is Definitely A Lesbian."  He's like"sure" so they totally do it even though she is definitely a lesbian.  It's kind of sweet, actually.  The next morning, JJ introduces Emily to his mom, who seems like a nice lady.  They all have a lovely breakfast together and JJ's mom is happy that JJ has a True Friend.  It is a happy ending, yay!

NEXT WEEK: Freddie DIES!  Or something.  That was the most fucking ominous preview I have ever seen.

And here are some other things of notice:
  • I liked how this episode had nothing but classical music for the soundtrack!  All Debussy!  Clair de Lune was playing while JJ and Emily were having sex!  Classical music always makes things seem really poignant.  Whoever does the music on this show is very good at their job.  Between this, the Cat Stevens sing-along, and Grizzly Bear's "Knife" as Tony's amnesia theme song last season, they have earned 100 gold stars for being creative and using excellent music. 
  • JJ is autistic, not just a nerd!  LOVE THAT.  I hope there will be someone in a wheelchair next season!
  • Why doesn't Cook have a family?  He has no overbearing or disinterested parents and he lives by himself.  What is up with that?!  MAJOR MYSTERY.
  • Lovin' the Easter eggs!  So far we've had one each for Sid, Tony, and Chris.  Who's next?  Will someone trip over Jal's smashed clarinet in an alleyway???  Or find Maxxie's drawings in a broken-down hotel in Russia?????


  1. Aspergers huh? That's pretty interesting that show would have a character to have that specific of a form of autism. I know that a movie is going to come out pretty soon with the main character having aspergers(Adam), but it feels like its only been recently that the form has been singled out or been focused on. I know there was Rainman and all but it wasn't ever referred to something as specific as aspergers was it?

    You want to see what some one who has aspergers and loves video games, has youtube, and a lot of time? Look up Ulillilia. or
    I don't really get it but it's pretty much agreed that this person is the most famous internet user who has aspergers. I think he gots a book out but it's just super specific about everything no matter how useless it is.

    A lot of these scenes describe almost make me want to watch it just to see how it plays out on the show. Because a lot of it just sounds nuts. maybe im just not used to skins enough

  2. Wow, that guy has a lot of time on his hands.

    I don't why Asperger's is suddenly so popular (have you watched Community? There's a character who spouts out lots of random memorized facts and someone tells him he probably has Asperger's, and then Chevy Chase makes a joke about how "Asperger's" sounds like "ass burgers.") I'm no autism expert, but I think it's less severe than other forms, and people with Asperger's tend to be the most normal, to put it crudely. Having a character with Asperger's is probably easier to write for than someone with Full Autism, I would imagine. Either way, I like it. It's a nice gesture.
