Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nope, it's still terrible!

Now that I've broken up my BLOG FLOW by talking about something besides Skins for the first time in AGES, I will go back to talking about Skins.  I was thinking this dumb show was getting better, but it wasn't really!  This last week's episode was pretty STUPID, but also sort of HILARIOUS at times (whenever Tony opened his mouth, to be specific.  He is just getting more and more terrible at the acting every episode!  It's incredible!).

THE BASICS:  Stanley is always skipping school, which makes his parents mad, but they're stupid and yelly and wear ridiculous biking outfits so who cares!  But the next day, Stanley sleeps in and misses the school bus (oh yeah yellow school buses THIS IS SO AMERICAN!) and has to steal his dad's vintage car to get to school.  But the car doesn't work so well.  Will he get to school?  YES.  HE GETS TO SCHOOL.  Then he shows off his car to the gang and they're like "dude, it's a hatchback NOT COOL" but Michelle sits inside and is like "this would be the perfect place to have some sex, Stanley WINK WINK!" and Stanley tells her a story about how his parents had sex in the car one time when there was a solar eclipse?  GREAT STORY, STANLEY.  Then he takes Michelle to Tony's choir concert, where he makes out with (Posh) Tabitha, Michelle is furious, blah blah blah.  Stanley and Michelle make out, she gets mad at him for being pathetic, then Stanley gives Tony a ride home even though he's being a dick.  He's driving his dad's vintage car but he doesn't have a license and the cops try to pull them over but they decide to speed through an Air Force base to avoid them (GOOD IDEA, STANLEY) and then the car catches on fire.  Whoops!  Stanley's parents are mad and he's probably going to juvy, so the gang throws him a party in the forest somewhere.  Tony continues to be an asshole.  Stanley visits Cadie in the clinic and says sorry for being mean.  Good!  Then he goes to court but the judge throws out his case and calls his dad a bastard.  Good judge! 

  • Stanley's dad was not as good at yelling as Sid's dad.  Champion yeller, he was (LUBRICATED HORSE COCK!)!
  • Stanley is a pathetic loser and I don't enjoy spending time with him :( Stop WHINING, Stanley, and cut your HAIR, and also stop being GROSS!!!
  • It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive through an Air Force Base without stopping for an ID check!  You can't just waltz through in your vintage hatchback!  GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, MTV!!!
  • Stanley and Michelle drank Duff Beer at one point?
  • Tony is still making me laugh.
  • Stanley's face was VISIBLE at one point! (see above photo) Good to know he doesn't have a horrific scar on the left side of his face.
  • Next week is the Russia episode only this time it's in CANADA OH YEAH!!!

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