Sunday, March 20, 2011

Skins US: "I love my culture!"

So, this episode wasn't so bad.  There were some things I like quite a bit!  Abbud, for example, is shaping up to be a great character and the guy who plays him is actually very funny?  I seriously laughed like several times at Abbud.  I'm so glad SOMEONE on this dumb show has a bit of comic timing this is such a breakthrough!!!  Anyways, this episode was about Daisy.
THE BASICS:  Daisy works at a Hooters-type restaurant because 50% of her identity is showing off her boobs to people and then huffing and puffing when people look at her boobs.  Abbud gets a burger with a little penis pickle on it.  Daisy is so responsible!  She has a job, does lots of housework, takes care of her little sister, toots her horn at jazz clubs on school nights, argues with her dad about her future, and does couples counseling for Abbud and Tea, who have hit a rough patch in their BFF relationship after Tea was found getting it on with Tony (THE HORROR).  All of this is very frustrating for Daisy, and so she decides to throw her trumpet into the (unnamed body of) water (could be ANYWHERE in America, really).  But then Abbud shows up and gives her a motivational talk about things he learned from his religion (ABBUD IS MUSLIM did you know).  He's all "in my religion this and that" and "I love my culture!" and Daisy is like "awesome dude, your religion sounds rad and now I feel motivated.  Let's go have some casual mindless sex!" 

But when Abbud and Daisy get to her house, they find that Daisy's sister has thrown a raucous party and things are getting messy.  Her dad's piano is destroyed.  Oh no!  How will they clean this up and avoid upsetting her father, who is mad at Daisy for wanting to toot her horn instead of being a postal worker or something similarly boring but reliable???  They don't.  Daisy's dad shows up and is like, SO disappointed.  Then Daisy and Abbud have casual mindless sex.  

The next day, Daisy goes to a trumpet audition, much to the chagrin of her postal enthusiast father, but leaves before finishing because she has a flair for the dramatic.  When she gets home, her dad is like "you destroyed my piano because you partied too hard.  I'm so disappointed" but then Daisy is like "don't worry, Dad, I stopped auditioning for that trumpet thing and now we can buy a new piano with my audition money, because luckily the audition cost three thousand dollars/the piano cost only fifty bucks!"  Then they buy a piano.  Something called a Loober? 

  • Daisy gets the Maxxie "I just want to DANCE! but my parental unit won't support me in this artistic endeavor because it doesn't earn one much money!" storyline along with the Jal "I just want to TOOT MY HORN! but my parental unit won't support me in this artistic endeavor because he's too busy being bitter about his spouse leaving him!" storyline.  Okay.  But come on, Daisy's dad.  It's the 21st century!  If your daughter is "super talented" and "way better than everyone else" and "so crazy talented" at the trumpet, then you should just let her TOOT HER HORN instead of being a postal worker!  GEEZ.
  • Seriously, how much did that audition cost???
  • Abbud!  Very funny here.  Surely the writers will realize he is by far the best part of this dumb show and just make every episode about him.  Or at least have one part each episode where he talks at a member of the gang about "his culture."
  • I find it funny that every single member of the gang has a Cold War Kids poster in their room.  Here are the ones from this episode, although there are definitely more. 
  • Just a bunch of Cold War Kids enthusiasts here.

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