Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SKINS: the new "gang" learns an important lesson about being yourself

Oh it is SO NICE to be watching the real Skins again!  And I don't know if it's just because my senses have been numbed after watching so much American Skins, but this episode was actually pretty fucking good?  And I am like really excited about this new cast of characters?  And it looks like there will be some very interesting story lines?  And everyone can act, they can all fucking ACT?  YES.  THIS IS ALL VERY GOOD.

First off, we must become acquainted with the new gang, if you can call it that (because some of the "gang" hate each other very intensely!  The gang is not a gang!  THERE ARE NO RULES ANYMORE!).  But more on that in a minute.  Let's do a brief run-through of events first!

BRIEF RUN-THROUGH OF EVENTS:  Franky is a new girl at college.  She immediately runs into trouble because there are bullies who hate her and normal teenagers who judge her because she is different.  There's this one girl, Mini, who acts like a total bitch to her but then is all nice and takes her out shopping with her friends.  Franky has fun!  She even gets invited to a party Mini is having!  But then the next day at school, Mini gets mad at Franky for not wearing this stupid dress she bought her, and so she launches a smear campaign on Franky so that the entire school knows she's a freak.  It's terrible!  Franky is pissed, so she goes to an abandoned quarry and does target practice with her antique guns.  Some mysterious guy walks up and she nearly shoots him because she is IN A RAGE.  Then she goes to Mini's party and it's a total disaster but then these guys Rich and Alo and also Mini's friend Grace kidnap Franky and take her to a secret pool overlooking Bristol and they all go swimming.

Franky is 100% my new favorite.  What an interesting character!  She is such a precious, fragile snowflake and has so many issues going on.  She's got a neat androgynous style and what appear to be some serious gender identity issues, plus there are the two dads and the braces and the being a victim of some serious cyberbullying and the just generally being very awkward.  Plus she makes post-Apocalypse stop-motion animation for fun and collects antique guns and smokes what are probably clove cigarettes and squishes bullies with her fingers.  Franky is the BEST.  And ALSO, she is played by the girl from The Golden Compass!  THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD.

Mini - ugggggh I hate her so much already!  She is such a total bitch.  Why is she so mean to Franky?  Does she have a dark secret or perhaps some terrible insecurities that she's trying to cover up by ruining other people's lives?  Will I have to sympathize with her when this is revealed later on?  I don't want to sympathize with her, she's such an EVIL BITCH!!!

Grace seems nice, maybe a bit ditzy, but she is definitely friendly.  So why does she hang out with Mini?  And why does it seem like she is already friends with the weirdo metalheads?  And why are all of her outfits thus far so INCREDIBLE and AMAZING???

Don't know much about Liv yet, but it seems like she's just one of Mini's lackeys.  And it is REALLY WEIRD how much she looks like Jal even though I'm pretty sure they are not related at all (character-wise OR real people-wise!).  It is throwing me off.

 Rich is a metalhead and he is besties with Alo, who is ginger.  That's about all we know about them right now?  They seem alright. 

Nick is Mini's rugby-playing boyfriend, whom we don't know much about except that he's Mini's rugby-playing boyfriend.

 That mysterious guy from the abandoned quarry where Franky was shooting her guns - is he part of the gang?  I have no idea!  But he is mysterious and ballsy and handsome!  I AM INTRIGUED.

  •  Apparently there was a lot of grumbling from people who were disappointed that this new cast was a bit, I dunno, lacking in the stunning looks department?  But that's a weird thing to complain about, not to mention sort of mean.  These guys are great!  It is an exciting new cast of characters!  And while it is true that there is no one quite as dreamy as Kaya Scodelairo or Nicholas Hoult, they are all very capable actors and THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT.  I would rather have an entire cast of non-heart throb gingers who can act than a cast of Freddies (no offense, Freddie!  You did get pretty good by the end but OOF was that a rough beginning!).
  • And just because I miss Effy and have figured out how to post GIFS, here is an AMAZING Effy gif:
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  1. Oh shit that is the little girl from the Golden Compass! That went right over my head at first.

    Admittedly, I hardly saw the last series of Skins, but if she is the more central character like Effy was then I'm more than welcoming to that. She reminds me of a younger Tilda Swinton but much more adorable and likable. I just want to be Frankys friend now.

    Your enthusiasm from this post kind of inspired me to actually watch and I don't regret it.

    And You just know Mini's going to have her sympathize episode. She's a cunt but it's going to happen. That whole "I'm going to shoot concerned confused looks as my friends befriend this new person causing me to make my friends choose me over her to make myself feel better" thing. It's going to happen. She will cry a lot.

    Rich and Alo are also very cool.

    Couldn't help but be reminded of something when I see that Franky pic

  2. Hahaha that was funny. Canada!

    I'm going to guess that Mini has some sort of hideous scar on her upper legs that prevents her from going to pool parties and would be the source of much humiliation if revealed, and THAT is why she's such a cunt. This would also explain why she's always wearing those stupid knee-length leggings. BRILLIANT THEORY, YES??

    I like how you say you DON'T REGRET watching it. What a powerful endorsement! LOL. But! I just watched the next episode and it was still really goood! More on this later, of course!
