Thursday, March 17, 2011


So, this last episode had some stupid bits and some not-as-stupid bits.  It was pretty entertaining, actually, since there was intense drama out the wazoo and Michelle was IN A RAGE the entire time.

THE BASICS:  Michelle is like totally in love with Tony, even though he is rude and has difficulties sounding like a real human boy.  She tells Tony she loves him but he's all like "WHAT I CAN'T HEAR YOU THIS IS A VERY NOISY RAVE!!  ALSO I NEED MORE DRUUUUUUGS!!!!"

Michelle goes to the doctor and it turns out she has chlamydia.  YUCK.  At school she gets into a violent RAGE and punches Tony in the balls, probably because she didn't want any more girls getting infected with this horrible disease, which was thoughtful of her.  Everyone is like "whoa" and Michelle is like "GET OUT OF MY WAY!!  I HAVE CHLAMYDIA RAWRRRR!!!!" 

Michelle is SUPER pissed, and so Daisy tries to help her out by listing all the girls Tony has cheated on her with so that she can narrow down the perpetrator of the chlamydia crime, but this just makes Michelle EVEN MORE super pissed!  Michelle appeals to her mom for help, but she's just like "Chlamydia isn't so bad, Michelle, chill out" and then Tea tries to help and Michelle is like "oh I wish I were a lesbian like you because then I wouldn't have to deal with GUYS, plus I love you so much and you are the best, Tea!" which is awkward because of how Tea may have given her chlamydia by having sex with her boyfriend.

Later on, Michelle stomps into class and is like "I'M SO PISSED, EVERYONE!  DON'T TALK TO ME!  ALSO TONY HAS CHLAMYDIA SO STAY AWAY FROM HIM LADIES!!!" and then she barges into Tea and what falls out of Tea's bag but the very same chlamydia medication Michelle is now taking!!!! OH the drama.  Michelle is even more super pissed now, and so is Stanley for some reason, so he punches Tony but that backfires because he's just really pathetic.  Michelle leaves to go rage in the privacy of her own home.  Tea finds her there but Michelle yells at her face "OMG LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STUPID LESBIAN SLUUUUUUT!!!" and Tea leaves.  Then Michelle burns all her pictures of Tony in the hot tub.  Then Tony comes over and apologizes and Michelle is like "GRRRRRR I HATE YOU BUT LET'S HAVE SEX ANYWAYS BECAUSE WE'RE STD COMPATIBLLLLLEE!!!"  
Then Tea's girlfriend, Betty, befriends Michelle and tells her how she should take a Chinatown bus out of town for a bit.  "I use them to run away from things," she says, presumably referring to her acting teachers.  Then they go somewhere.  On a Chinatown bus.  Because this is (an indeterminate location in) AMERICA.

  • It's weird how this all takes place in an indeterminate suburban location in America.  But now we know it has to be somewhere on the East Coast because that is the only place there are Chinatown buses!  HINTS!
  • Michelle being super pissy and yelling at everyone. 
  • Michelle burning her painful memories in a hot tub LOLOLOLOL.  American Michelle, you are RIDICULOUS.
  • Abbud has good taste in Ikea bags.


  1. The town this skins takes place sounds like a Springfield for teenage dramas. It's in America and it has everything you need, but where is it exactly? Who knows!

    So, Michelle her burns all the pictures of her lover, following the discovery of a burning sensation caused by him, in a hot tub presumably full of water? wtf I can't tell if that's steam of smoke in that pic

    Nice choice of bag there Abbud. Good eye

  2. It would be fun if the show were willing to really OWN the Springfield thing instead of making it seem as generic as possible. Now I just want to figure out where it is and am paying WAY to much attention to any details that might reveal the true location! I'm thinking it's either Baltimore or Philadelphia, because we know it's 1) a large city with tall buildings, 2)close to a large body of water and forests, 3)in a cold location, 4) not TOO far from Canada, and 5) part of the Chinatown bus system (and is not Boston or New York because those were mentioned as places Michelle could go to). Or maybe Pittsburgh?

    Yeah, that's hot tub steam. I actually loved that part. It's so appropriate! It's always funny when someone on normal Skins puts in the effort to BUILD A SELF-CONTAINED WOOD-BURNING FIRE in which to dispose of their painful memories.
