Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yup, still pretty bad.

So this last episode was the CANADA episode, which was where the gang went to a wilderness retreat in CANADA on some sort of vaguely defined science class trip and hijinks ensued.  It was pretty dumb, but Abbud is okay and Stanley was on the toilet basically the entire time, so that was good.

THE BASICS:  While crossing the border into Canada, the gang learns that Stanley has hidden some weed waaaaaaay far up his ass to avoid the suspicion of the Canadian customs officials.  They all think it's super hilarious and laugh at him, which is sort of rude when you think about it because Stanley is going through some serious pain just so they don't have to get through a day or two without getting crazy high.  On the way to the campsite, their stupid science teacher hits an elk and everyone gets out of the bus and crowds around the poor dying elk, taking videos on their phones as the stupid science teacher gives it CPR.  "THIS HAS A MILLION HITS ONLINE!!!" someone says.

The gang gets to camp and the counselors are all like "no drugs here guys, don't even think of doing drugs here" but then the guys are like "yeah whatever, let's go look for some shrooms in the forest!"  But they don't find any shrooms, just a magical toad that can get you high if you lick it enough.  So everyone licks the toad but instead of getting magicaly high they projectile vomit everywhere.  AW YEAH.  Then Stanley has to go to the outhouse to poop out his drugs.  Michelle finds him there and they have an awkward, romantic talk.  Michelle probably says something about how he was brave for licking that toad, or whatever, and then she's like "guess I'll see you later, Stan!" and Stanley is like "yeah, later.  I'll just be here, pooping."

Abbud is in love with Tea but she's like, "nope, I'm totally a lesbian, it would never work out."  Oh well, Abbud!  But later on, while following a mysterious deranged forest-dwelling person, Abbud spies Tea and Tony like totally getting it on.  AWKWARD.  Meanwhile, Chris makes out with the psychology teacher and nearly kills the science teacher when he does a lousy belay job for laughs during a team-building exercise.  

While all this is going on, though, Stanley is still pooping.  At one point, Abbud runs up to the gang and is like "great news, everyone!  Stan says it's starting to move inside!" and Tony says "I'm going to go help him out," by which he means help him POOP, presumably.  We can tell that Tony and Stanley have quite the special friendship.

  • UGH Tea and Tony, stop it!  Tea, it is a wonder you are able to have a conversation with that guy without bursting into a never ending fit of laughter, so I don't understand how you can do THAT nonsense repeatedly???
  • Chris almost killed the science teacher!  AND HE THOUGHT THIS WAS FUNNY???
  • Stanley was pooping in a tiny outhouse the entire time.  It was funny!  It was also funny how EAGER and EXCITED the gang were to help him poop.  True friendship!
  • The projectile vomiting made me laugh, NOT GONNA LIE.
  • Abbud is pretty likable.  Really shitty luck that he had to fall in love with a lesbian who has an irrational attraction to the black hole of charisma and being able to speak like a real human that is Tony, though.


  1. So was this suppose to be the US version of the Russia trip? They're both cold places, a lot of wilderness, and the people talk a bit funny.

    Except that episode had wacky girl next door hijinks and one of the characters trying to seduce the gay character and failing at it, instead of succeeding. Poor sub for Maxxie though, at least he was still 100% gay. Unlike this Tea girl. "Nope, can't be with you. I'm gay! but JK other dude. I'll totally be straight for you!"


  2. Oh man, I'm so glad they didn't have the Russian girl in this one. That was so ridiculous! I like to think Anwar wrote that episode, because otherwise it just doesn't make SENSE. "Hm, let's see, I'll rescue a poor Russian girl who is also super hot and scantily clad from an evil Russian drunk maniac, we'll have lots of sex, and then everyone else gets chased around by the drunk maniac and also some random Russian dudes with guns because that would be funny. Oh, and Maxxie will get an angry blowjob from Tony because I'm mad at him right now. Russia!" - Anwar
