Friday, March 25, 2011

SKINS: 2/7ths of the gang learn a harrowing lesson about living with a terrible disability

So, this last episode was all about Rich, who is the METALHEAD of the gang.  It was really good!  It was one of those episodes where they use music to help tell the story, and those are always fun.  Plus Rich is a compelling character and Grace is an absolute TREASURE whose wardrobe is still the most amazing thing.  Recap recap recap!
Rich is so metal and no one understands.  Even Alo, his BFF4L, is like "dude, cool it with the metal stuff.  You're never going to get laid because no one else can stand the metal stuff!" but Rich is like "not true, I am not the only metalhead out there!"  And then they find out about this totally hot metalhead GIRL who works at the library, and Rich tries to chat her up but it's a total disaster.  So he asks Franky for help with his girl problems, but she's like "Flattered, Rich, I really am, but I'm the most awkward and unpopular person you know so I wouldn't be much help, but Grace is totally a girl that we know" and so they go consult Grace while she's practicing ballet.  Rich is like "Ew, BALLET, so not metal" and then Mini shows up and is a total bitch to everyone, but Grace goes to hang out with her anyway.

Rich goes off to be miserable by himself and Grace shows up in an amazing "undercover" outfit and offers to act like a metalhead to get close to the metalhead girl so that Rich can impress her.  Rich is like "that's the worst idea ever, you don't even know what a metalhead is" but he agrees to this brilliant plan anyways, and they head to this music store so that Grace can become acquainted with THE METAL.  She faints after listening to some METAL and instead of like helping her out Rich is really rude and says some very music elitist things.  The guy who works there is like "Stop being an asshat, dude" and so Rich apologizes.

Then Rich goes to a pub and Grace shows up looking all METALHEAD-like and belts out a Rage Against the Machine song in her adorable posh accent.  Rich is like "so metal!"  Then he talks to the metalhead girl at the library again, but it turns out she's actually the meanest, most rudest person in the entire world, so Rich is CRUSHED.  Grace asks him out to this ballet thing she's doing, but he refuses because he is TOO METAL and then Alo shows up and is like "dude, Grace is like really hot and not a total bitch, you should stop being such a MUSIC ELITIST and go out with her!"  Rich is upset with himself, and so he goes to the metal store and buys the loudest, most METAL album ever recorded (by Misplaced Abortion, LOL I want so badly for this to be a real thing) and listens to it SUPER LOUDLY which of course makes him GO DEAF.  YIKES.

Rich is CRUSHED again, this time because he is deaf, and so he rips up the tickets to this Napalm Death show and goes to Grace's ballet thing instead.  Afterwards, he's like "loved the show, turns out ballet is awesome, also I'm deaf now" and Grace is like "well that sucks, because I have some tickets to Napalm Death and we should totally go" and so they go to the METAL show, even though Rich is deaf and Grace is wearing a fabulous tutu.  It looks like fun!

The next day, Rich gets his hearing back THANK GOD.  Grace is like "I had so much fun last night!  I would have told you after the show but you'd gone deaf."  They have a nice moment but then she runs off with Mini, who is a TOTAL BITCH UGGGGGH.

  • The deaf thing!  Even though this was kind of ridiculous, it was also very sad and painful to watch because THAT IS BASICALLY MY WORST NIGHTMARE.  It would have been really ballsy/horrific if Rich's hearing didn't magically reappear the next day.
  • Omg Grace is the best and her outfits are magical.  Some questions, though: 1) Are posh people really like that?  She is so proper and enunciates EVERYTHING!  I mean, it's great and I LOVE HER SO MUCH ALREADY, but are there really people that talk like that??  DO THEY EXIST IN THIS WORLD???  2) Wardrobe Department, how did you get so good at your job??  Let's  take a moment to look at all of the amazing things Grace wore in just this one episode:
 A bowtie with a plaid velvet blazer!

Mixing patterns!

 A fabulous fucking ICE PRINCESS coat!!!
  • Seriously, Wardrobe Department, major props to you!  Rich totally looked like a real person wearing real metalhead clothes, which is great because metalheads and emo kids in TV and movies usually end up looking like actors wearing metalhead and emo costumes.  I appreciate these things
  • I learned that a Wendy house is a thing in the UK - it's what another name for a shed or playhouse!  How cute!
  • Alo, wearing leashes and holding hands with his bestie because he is not afraid of judgement!  


    1. You were right about the music aiding the story. I loved how they used it throughout the episode. Like using it to contrast Rich's experience with the a angry library bitch and then his with Grace, once he appreciated the Ballet. Abrupt metal for one and pretty classical for the other. I like that!

      I also thought this episode was just great. I loved the whole metal angle Rich has going on. I did not expect to hear that much metal on an episode of Skins and pretty much all the songs being real bands. Except Misplaced Abortion!

      Part of me related to him and his plight when trying to share his metal with Grace. Not going to lie, there has been thoughts that have crossed my mind about showing you song or two but shooting down my own idea. "She won't like it, man!". Then i forget about it because it isn't enough of "ME" and "WHO I AM". But even most black/death metal grindcore shit is too much for me.

      Grace was definitely cute as hell throughout and what the fuck was Alo wearing?

    2. Omar, you've just got to BE YOURSELF! If there is one thing I have learned from Skins it is that it is important to be yourself. And also that drugs are totally fun! And high schools in Bristol are great places to meet athletic talent scouts from Harvard. Actually I have learned a lot of things from Skins. Anyways, the point is that I MIGHT judge you for liking something musically, but you can't let that change WHO YOU ARE!!

      Alo was wearing a leash.

    3. Oh well yeah, I'm just less inclined in sharing. I still love the shit. It kind of falls into the guilty pleasure category. Even though pleasures shouldn't be guilty!

      A leash with some blue vest thing and I don't know what else. Rich, the metalhead, looks normal next to Alo. IMO. Still a good character
