So, this was the Mini episode, the one in which her terrible secret is revealed and I am made to sympathize with her in spite of her being exactly like all of the worst self-absorbed, evil, passive-aggressive total bitches I have ever known in life and Project Runway (HATE YOU GRETCHEN hate hate hate). Good one, I guess? How about a RECAP?

Then Mini concocts a series of increasingly convoluted barriers to having to be intimate with her boyfriend. First she's like "Oh, I can't go to your place because I promised Liv we'd go BOWLING!" then it's "We're all having so much fun bowling, let's do another round!" to "Oops, we can't go to yours now because your keys have mysteriously disappeared, probably somewhere in the bowling alley which we are locked out of and definitely not in my purse!" and "Now we're guests at a friend's house, it would be rude to have sex here!" then "But this is awkward, Liv and that guy who wears plaid are banging right over there!" and finally "Whoops, I just threw up all over you!"
Nick finally catches on that there is some fishy business, and Liv is like "yeah, I know, right?" They share some meaningful glances. Mini goes to the fashion show and starts yelling at Liv for dancing with her boyfriend. Then she faints from all the stress and hatred and not eating brewing in her belly. The fashion teacher (???) tells her to go home, which she does, but then she comes back and watches the whole show from afar. Everyone is having fun without her! Grace is adorable! Liv is her best friend! Nick looks hot in his tacky male stripper outfit!
Grace's outfit!

- Mini's DARK SECRET was not as horrific as I imagined, but I guess it makes sense. Although it wouldn't have been such a terrible problem for her if she wasn't such a bitch all of the time and did not brag about her sexual prowess? So I can't offer ONE HUNDRED percent of my sympathies to her, but she did have a lot of VERY very sad looks going on, so. Is she going to be nice to everyone now? Did Franky's kind message get through to her mean brain? Will there actually be a "gang" at some point??
- Still don't like Mini too much, but the girl who plays her is great and it's . . . interesting to . . . watch her mouth move? (I can't word that any less awkwardly, sorry!)
- Nick is kind of a dick, right? And I'm going to have to sympathize with him, too, at some point, of course. OH FINE.
- They still haven't addressed why Liv looks EXACTLY like Jal. It's weird! Like 80% of the comments on YouTube are something along the lines of "Is it just me or do Liv and Jal look EXACTLY THE SAME lol!"
- What's the deal with the Mysterious Guy from the Quarry? Why was he at the fashion show dance? It doesn't seem like he'd be the kind of person to go to a fashion show dance. He's a hobo and no one seems to know him! Is he stalking Franky? Does he even go to school??? SO MANY MYSTERIES!
- Grace's outfits! Still the best. And Rich's METAL formal wear!
Formal wear! So METAL!
"Can you just stop being bitches so we can be friends, okay?"
ReplyDeleteMini is definitely a huge bitch still to me. Even when everything comes tumbling down for Mini, it's still hard to really feel for her. I suppose the bare footed flower smooshing and doing the shame walk with her mom was pretty sad. But there wasn't anytime for redemption, just showing you how much she sucks and now her life sucks because of it. Actually, for whatever reason, I also did kind of feel sorry for her when she was doing the whole practicing various sexual positions to sad music thing.
Oh man Nick is so smooth. with the condoms in the pocket move. Wow what a classy guy. Just caring around condoms during school. mmhm I'll have to agree with you about him. Definitely a dick. Knew it when he was trying to have sex with her while their friends were fucking in the same room. Who does that? The term goes "get a room" not share it with your buds.
Mini reminded me of this when she morphed into critical bitch mode
Best line "What is this foolish nonsensery"
AH my eyes! Those ganguros are FRIGHTENING. Reminds me of Scotland's No. 1 Male Barbie It is amazing how some people choose to live their lives! Our world is truly a mysterious place!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, that part was pretty sad. All of the sensitive guitar ballads + sad, sad faces = me hardening my resolve to not be swayed by sensitive guitar ballads and actually CARING. But Nick! I just watched his episode, so I have some insight now into WHY he is such a dick, and SPOILERS but not really, it is because he is kind of dumb and spends a lot of time with the RUGBY guys, who are all very un-PC (homophobic) and delightfully homoerotic (homoerotic). The more you know! But more on this later, of course.
Also I like that Mini is still a bitch. It would be very BORING if she magically became likable in one episode because of ONE uncomfortable sex scene.